The festival is hosted at various venues around Brighstone, Calbourne and Mottistone on the Isle of Wight.
All venues are FREE to visit! However, we very much welcome all donations to keep the festival running.
Why not follow our Facebook page for the very latest updates on activities to do with the festival.
Supporting local charities
The Festival began in 1996 and has since been able to raise nearly £100,000 for Island and national charities. The festivities traditionally start on a Wednesday with a tree lighting ceremony in Brighstone Church in aid of the Earl Mountbatten Hospice. This event has attracted around 6,500 tourists each year.
If your organisation would like to display a tree at this year’s festival check out our Exhibitor Information page. Non-profit and registered charities can even display their tree for FREE.
Hundreds of entries are created and displayed by charities, clubs, schools, individuals, groups, and businesses, making this one of the biggest Christmas festivals in England and a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of your organisation.
Vote for your favourite tree!
Do you have a favourite tree from this year’s festival? All proceeds from our festival go directly to the local and national charities who have displayed a tree. Help us decide which ones we should help this year by submitting their name below.